Bobbin Head North

Average Gradient:
Start Point:
End Point:
Visitors Centre
Regroup Point:
Toll Booth
Climb Description:
This is a solid unrelenting climb. The gradient of this climb doesn't change much, and stays at about the 5% mark the whole way up the climb.

At the Kalkari Discovery Centre, just after the hairpin, there is a slight leveling off, but it doesn't last very long. Towards the top, you will be thinking that the end is just around the corner. It takes several ascents of this hill before you are able to correctly pick the top.

After reaching the top, continue along Ku Ring Ai Chase Rd until you reach the toll booth which is where the group will reform. It is only about 1km past the top and it is a good opportunity to spin your legs over after the taxing climb.
Climb Route
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Bobbin Head North Route
Bobbin Head North Profile
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